Having had ombre hair for the past year, I've got quite bored of it lately yet I still can't bare to dye back to my natural boring-brunette or chop it off all together so I searched for some alternatives. I though I might bleach it even more so that I could dye the tips a pretty pastel colour but I didn't want anything permanent as I can't keep it for school. Finally, I came across these chalks in Topshop that do exactly what they say on the box (I think): colour your hair until you wash it. 'Perfect!' I thought. I searched for different shades online but it turned out Topshop only did those two and they didn't even have the turquoise (which I was after) in the shop.

Turns out many variations are sold on eBay and in all sorts of colours too! But being the frugal type that I am, I didn't want to splash out on a huge palette as I was only after one colour and I needed it quick as I was going to a festival in a few days time (most suppliers are from China and postage would have taken weeks!) Then it hit me: I didn't need to buy pastels at all, I could just use the ones I use for my art (basic chalk pastels) and it would be free! So I experimented with a few shades I liked and here are the end results:
(excuse the makeupless face and pyjamas - it was very late!)
Tip: - If, like me, your tips aren't light enough, you can put a base of white chalk first before you add a colour.
- Works best on blonde/light brown hair
- Perfect festival look (hence the flower crown)
Happy Colouring!
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