Sunday, 25 August 2013

Cropped Sweater Day

I took a friend around a few museums today and as a lot of walking was involved i thought it'd be a great excuse for me to wear in these high tops i purchased in the River Island sale a while back. Of course, we did a bit of shopping after and as i (sadly) lost one of the midi rings i got at the markets in London, i went and bought new ones in (you've guessed it) River Island.

Sweater: Topshop
Jeans: Urban Outfitters
Necklace: H&M
Backpack: Ebay (also sold at Topshop)
Shoes: River Island
Rings (from left): markets, River Island, Topshop, markets

I am becoming increasingly aware that the quality of the photos taken with my phone isn't just as good as i had thought it would be so i think i'm going to have to utilise my digital camera for future posts and stay away from the comfort of the iPhone... unfortunately.

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